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1.0.7 для Android Обновление Mon Apr 08 12:33:56 CST 2024
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Накопленная стоимость за один день составляет 38 очков: любой оранжевый товар х3, коробка с драгоценными камнями 11 уровня х1.
Накопленная стоимость за один день составляет 68 очков: любой красный товар X1, коробка с драгоценными камнями 12 уровня X1.
Накопленная стоимость за один день составляет 108 очков: Красный продукт X1, коробка с драгоценными камнями 13 уровня X1.
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Совокупное накопленное значение за один день составляет 2888 очков: снаряжение Бессмертного Чжусяня X2, Набор Бессмертного Внешности X1, Красный Дух Цилин X2.

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Постоянное реальное накопление 258 очков. Награда: любой красный товар X1, коробка с драгоценными камнями 12 уровня X1.
Постоянное реальное накопление 458 баллов в награду: Коллекция Magic Baby Box.
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Постоянное реальное накопление 3588 очков: лучшая коллекция X1, красный продукт Ци Лин X1, коробка с драгоценными камнями 13 уровня X1.
Постоянное реальное накопление 4588 очков в награду: Пакет «Бессмертный экстерьер».
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Награды за постоянное реальное накопление 12588 очков: 2*1 розовое снаряжение божественного зверя, 1*1 сундук с сокровищами Святого Лорда Наоми, 1x1 распроданный сундук с бессмертными сокровищами, 1x1 сундук с драгоценными камнями 14 уровня.
Постоянное реальное накопление 15588 очков наград: 3*1 розовое снаряжение божественного зверя, набор бессмертного облика X1, распроданный сундук бессмертных сокровищ 1X1, коробка с драгоценными камнями уровня X1 14.
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Постоянное реальное накопление 25880 очков. Награды: 1*1 розовое снаряжение божественного зверя, 1*1 священный сундук с сокровищами Наоми, распроданный сундук бессмертных сокровищ 4X1, 1 коробка с драгоценными камнями 15 уровня.
Награды за постоянное реальное накопление 30588 очков: 2*1 розовое снаряжение божественного зверя, 1 душа меча Феникса, распроданный сундук бессмертных сокровищ 5X1, 1 коробка с драгоценными камнями 16 уровня.
Награды за постоянное реальное накопление 35588 очков: 3*1 розовое снаряжение божественного зверя, 1 священная коробка с сокровищами * 1, распроданная коробка с бессмертными сокровищами 6X1, 1 коробка с драгоценными камнями 16 уровня * 1
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Награды за постоянное реальное накопление 45588 очков: 5*1 розовое снаряжение божественного зверя, 1 душа драконьего меча, 1 священная шкатулка с сокровищами Нагого Бога, распроданная сундук с бессмертными сокровищами 8X1, 1 шкатулка с драгоценными камнями 17 уровня X1
Награды за постоянное реальное накопление 50588 очков: Душа меча Дракона Цзюэ*1, Сундук с сокровищами Святого Лорда Наоми*1, Распроданная сундук с сокровищами Бессмертного 9X1, Коробка с драгоценными камнями 18 уровняX1
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蠻荒紀-爆爽0.1版(Скидка 0,1 % на версию/Отправить VIP-уровень) screenshot image 2_playmods.net
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蠻荒紀-爆爽0.1版(Скидка 0,1 % на версию/Отправить VIP-уровень) screenshot image 4_playmods.net
蠻荒紀-爆爽0.1版(Скидка 0,1 % на версию/Отправить VIP-уровень) screenshot image 5_playmods.net
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Tips for quickly leveling up

1. Quickly hang up in the road to immortality: You can gain a lot of experience by hanging up quickly. The more levels you pass in the main line, the higher the experience gain from sweeping, so we have to increase all the combat power we can every day. , when the level reaches the limit, use the quick hang-up function to get the maximum benefit; if you quickly consume the number of sweeps in the early stage, your level will be different from others.

Some privilege cards have bonuses on idle income and are must-buys.

1. Monthly card +10%

2. Supreme Card +10%

You can also get a lot of experience in the experience dungeon. If you want to get a lot of experience in the experience dungeon, you must reach a higher dungeon level. The dungeon level is linked to the combat power of the team members. The higher the teammate's combat power, the higher the level, and the richer the experience. Therefore, it is recommended that players chat more in the world channel and find a fixed team to grind with. If they really can’t find suitable teammates to grind with, they can also automatically match. However, it is also recommended that players grind again later in the day to try to improve their combat skills. force

Experience dungeon coupons can be used to obtain 1 additional experience dungeon.

1. The daily top-up reward is a bonus of 998 yuan, and you will be given an experience copy coupon for those who have a certain amount of payment ability. It is recommended that you take this coupon every day.

2. Experience copy coupons will also be sold in the daily must-buy store. The price is 328 yuan. It is recommended that players get them.

3. Some of the pushed Destined Person gift packs will also sell experience copy coupons, priced at 998 yuan, and it is also recommended for players to get them.

A little tip here is that if you can’t find a more powerful team in the early stage, you don’t have to use up all the experience coupons you purchased. You can store some appropriately and use them with them when you meet a suitable team. Gain experience in the experience dungeon, then finish this fleet, and then go to other high-competition fleets. This way, the income will be higher, but this depends on the player's choice.

You can also get a lot of experience at the Pantao Conference. You can participate in activities to gain experience from 19:00 to 19:30 every day.

Suggestions for player payment distribution

1. Functional development lines, such as: magic weapons/mounts/pets/taoist friends/wings-related development lines, just follow the daily goal of ascending the rankings, and the corresponding skin gift packs will be pushed every day. Those who are capable can As long as you buy them all, you can only ensure that each corresponding development function has a combat power of hundreds of millions every day, and get the first place in the combat power list. The skin gift packs pushed every day are very cost-effective, and they are free ingots. + Skin gift packs can be recommended for players to buy. If players are worried about buying too many and getting too many duplicate skins, it doesn’t actually matter. The combat power of these functions in the later stage depends on the stacking of a large number of skins. The more the basic number, the higher the level. The more you get, the greater the benefits will be when you obtain percentage attributes in the future.

Regarding the skin gift packs pushed to the rankings, our design is to display the next one after purchasing one, so we can remind capable players.

2. Suggestions on developing ancient artifacts

(1) The ancient artifact itself requires 648 to purchase

(2) The ancient artifact has 6 parts in total, and each part costs 328 yuan.

(3) The attribute bias of ancient artifacts is divided into PVP bias and PVE bias. Pursuing PVP will be more cost-effective. Just invest a little in PVE, don't invest too much.

3. Monthly Card/Extreme Privilege/Golden Finger/Weekly Card/Millions of Yuanbao/Ten Millions of Combat Power/One-Yuan Flash Sale/One-Yuan Rush/Secret Orders are must-buy items, and it doesn’t cost much to buy them all. It is recommended. Players buy all

4.Daily/weekly/monthly gift packs

(1) The price-performance ratio is very high, and it is recommended that players must buy it.

5. Festival activities 5 days after server launch

(1) The cycle of festival activities is 4 days, with one round every two days, and a total of 2 rounds in 4 days.

(2) It is the most cost-effective to recharge 100 yuan to 150 yuan for each round of festival activities. Ordinary players recommend this recharge.

(3) Because the holiday event is divided into two rounds, ordinary players can actually avoid the first round strategically and wait for the second round to compete for the holiday event list. In fact, players can also chat more in the world channel, and The other players have agreed that you will be in this issue and I will be in the next issue. We will live in harmony, hehe.

6. Zhuxian equipment

(1) In the early stage of this system, ordinary small and medium-sized R players should not play it. It is not cost-effective. It can be used to make up for the quota, but it is not cost-effective to purchase it specifically.

7. Five Elements Gift Pack

(1) The price-performance ratio is moderate, and players can be recommended to buy it.

8. Sword Soul Gift Pack

(1) The price-performance ratio is moderate, and players can be recommended to buy it.

9.Grand ceremony package

(1) The price/performance ratio is not high, small and medium-sized R should not buy it in the early stage.

10.SVIP Flash Sale Gift Pack

(1) Very cost-effective, a must buy, the free stones can be used to synthesize colorful decorations

Some suggestions on system development

1. For ordinary small and medium-sized R players, it is recommended to play Fairy Talisman and Fairy Talisman Treasure Hunting first, and then play rare equipment parts and Equipment Treasure Hunting. For equipment, you only need to collect 2 rare parts first, and try to use the remaining ingots to defeat Fairy Talisman.

2. The advice of the boss players is to use the rising stars of rare equipment parts and immortal talismans together, and then collect as many skins as possible. After the festival event, the boss will have a strong foundation in the early stage, and the combat power will increase faster.

3. For the skin development function, it is recommended to follow the advanced line, and it is enough to play with the Buddha type.

4. If you don’t have enough Yuanbao, I recommend that you clear out all the gift packs that can be purchased in the game. If you still don’t have enough, you can go to the recharge store to directly recharge Yuanbao and Fairy Jade, and then use the Yuanbao to hunt for fairy talisman treasures and equipment treasures. Kung Fu When hunting for treasures, unless you encounter stuck points related to fairy magic, don't use ingots to draw them. Just save keys and draw them normally.

About Xianyu

In fact, the effect of Xianyu in the first 5 days is not great. The main function of Xianyu is to be used in the recurring festival activities after the 5th day of server opening. Players with Xianyu in the first 5 days can go to the Immortal Forest Blessing to draw guardian elves. Every day A must-buy is the Guardian Elf, because the Guardian Elf has extra experience benefits.

Regarding the first round promotion list, how to get on the list with the most cost-effectiveness?

1. If you want to be on the daily ascension list, you need to consume a lot of upgrade stones.

2. In addition to the normal output of upgrade stones in dungeons, it is recommended that players purchase a gift pack of ascending stones in the mall, which is very cost-effective.

3. After purchasing the Ascension Stone Gift Pack, it is recommended that players use Ascension Treasure Hunt to obtain materials. The price/performance ratio is also very high.

4. You can also buy the Feisheng rush sale, but the price/performance ratio of Feisheng special offer is slightly lower, so you don’t need to pursue it.

About how to play more cost-effectively after the first round of ascending the rankings

Don’t use the materials you usually save. When it’s your turn to ascend to the rankings, use the materials you’ve saved at once to gain points and get on the rankings.

About festival activities

The festival queuing package for festival activities is extremely cost-effective and a must-buy.

The props that cannot be used up in festival activities can be used again in the next event of the same type. According to our current arrangement, the same type of events can usually be encountered in about 10 days.

——Загружено пользователем

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Дополнительная информация

Категория: Ролевые игры Издатель: 蠻荒紀 Требования: Android 5.0+ Дата публикации: Mon Apr 08 12:33:56 CST 2024

蠻荒紀-爆爽0.1版 Скидка 0,1 % на версию/Отправить VIP-уровень 1.0.7 Обновлять
Обновление Mon Apr 08 12:33:56 CST 2024

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