Sky Children of the Light Days of Color is Coming - New Cosmetics & Event Currency & Rainbow Road

Sky Children of the Light Mod APK Download is a social adventure game. The arc of the rainbow will soon light up the skies in every realm. The Days of Color are upon us, and each year Sky celebrates the diversity that animates our shared world.
How to Download Latest Version Sky Children of the Light Mod APK
Click on the link to download the latest version of the game: Sky Children of the Light Mod APK Download
An Updated Name for a Continuing Celebration
Each year in Sky, diversity, hope, and inclusion have been at the center of the event players have known as Days of Rainbow. We were excited to add big updates to it this year, especially because we know the event means a lot to so Many players around the world. Because of that, we also wanted to touch on the name change from Days of Rainbow to Days of Color.
Expanding the event meant digging into the core themes that players have experienced since Days of Rainbow debuted in 2020. While the themes and messages haven't changed, the new activities this year better capture what can be achieved only when all of our different co lors can shine together.
The updated name highlights this, and as Days of Color, the event will continue to focus on diversity, hope, and making the world inside and outside of Sky more inclusive for everyone.
Revelry in the Clouds
The most colorful time of Sky's year begins at 00:00 on June 1st, and runs until 23:59 on June 14th. Two event guide Spirits arrive in Home for the occasion who can teleport you to where the main festivals will be held: the Secretive area high above Daylight Prairie, expanded especially for the occasion.
Within this vivid and colorfully decorated space, players can use their capes to charge eight platforms, which become available one by one each day of the event—a nearby closet and magical spell-lending geyser can help if you need to make a quick cape change From the eighth day onward, all of the platforms can be charged with the aid of other players, and once they are, get ready for a brilliant display that shares Light and lifts all players to scenic and glittering heights.
Even if you stay near the platforms (or choose to visit Sky's rare pupper), the area is perfect to decorate with color trail spells as you fly around! The spacious scenery also allows dozens, even hundreds of players to gather together using the festival tech featured in Season of Passage quests and the Season of AURORA concert. All the colorful avatars of fellow Sky children from across the world may just create a living rainbow of their own.
Outside of the event space, a double rainbow in Home provides colorful Light and a laid-back way to gather with friends. And of course, some themed daily quests point the way to places in the realms where you can appreciate the beauty of a rainbow (or, perhaps, the discovery that comes at the end of one).
Days of Color Currency
We mentioned earlier this year that we're planning to make some changes to Sky's economy this year, and as we announced in a recent blog post, event-specific currencies are one example of that plan in action. Days of Color will be the first event to feature event currency, which will hopefully make it easier than ever for players of all experience levels to unlock the newest Days of Color memento being introduced this year.
As you explore the event area and complete themed Daily Quests, keep an eye out for small iridescent, bubble-like spheres. Players can collect 8 every day during the event—and on days with themed Daily Quests, up to 12 each day! Explore a bit more on the weekends and you might find an extra bubble or two…
Note: The total number of event currency intended to be available during the event is affected by a bug. To offset that bug, we'll add 8 event currency to the inventory of all players who log in during Days of Color. The only thing You need to do to receive this is to log into the game.
Colors That Make a Difference
This year we're proud to share that we'll once again be supporting The Trevor Project, the world's largest suicide prevention and mental health organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) young people. The Trevor Project's programs include crisis services, education, peer support for people around the world, and other efforts to ensure young people can have the chance to thrive no matter who they are. You can read about our 2022 campaign with the Trevor Project here.
We are making a donation to The Trevor Project during Pride month in association with the Days of Color campaign and will reveal the total amount after Days of Color has concluded. We invite you to join us in supporting The Trevor Project this month!
A Rainbow of Colors, United
We can't wait to present all the updates we've been working on for this event to bring new experiences to players. With our individual colors together, respecting and welcoming everyone around us, and making the world inside and outside of the game a place where everyone can thrive—those are the skies we hope to see you in!
If you like this game, then you should not miss the beta version that PlayMods prepared for players: [BETA] Sky: Children of the Light Mod APK Download
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